Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


STREET KINGS by www.TheHack3r.comDate Released : 11 April 2008
Quality : BRRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0421073
Starring : Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Naomie Harris
Genre : Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller

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R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Proyek lama tahun 2005 yang sekurangnya sempat mencalonkan dua nama sutradara (Spike Lee dan Oliver Stone) ini akhirnya diambil alih oleh David Ayer yang sempat menjadi penulis film TRAINING DAY. Dan Keanu Reeves, setelah berperan prima dalam LAKE HOUSE, berkesempatan menjadi pemeran utama dalam film bergenre drama thriller ini.

Film ini berkisah tentang Tom Ludlow (Keanu Reeves), seorang petugas kepolisian Los Angeles yang mengalami kesulitan menjalani hidupnya setelah ditinggal mati istrinya. Tom yang bekerja dibawah komando Kapten Jack Wander (Forest Whitaker) ini lalu mengisi hari-harinya dengan minuman keras.

Tom tergabung dalam kesatuan Kapten Jack Wander yang sering memakai cara-cara kotor dalam menyelesaikan tugas mereka. Mereka semua saling melindungi untuk menutupi perbuatan kotor mereka.

Suatu ketika Tom dengan cara kotornya berhasil menuntaskan sebuah kasus penculikan dua anak kembar. Setelah kedua anak kembar itu berhasil diselamatkan, Tom didatangi Terrence Washington (Terry Crews), bekas partner tugas Tom. Terrence mencoba mengingatkan Tom bahwa Tom tidak seharusnya menggunakan cara-cara kotor.

Belakangan Tom mendengar bahwa Terrence sekarang direkrut oleh Kapten James Biggs (Hugh Laurie) dan sedang menyelidiki kesatuan Tom. Merasa marah Tom lalu berusaha mencari Terrence.

Tom berhasil menemukan Terrence yang sedang masuk ke sebuah swalayan dan bermaksud menghajar Terrence. Sebelum Tom sempat melakukan rencananya, tampak dua orang bersenjata masuk ke dalam swalayan juga. Tom lalu bermaksud memberi tahu Terrence tapi terlambat karena dalam baku tembak yang terjadi, Terrence tewas. Celakanya salah satu peluru yang ditembakkan Tom ternyata mengenai Terrence dari belakang. Untungnya Kapten Jack Wander datang dan melindungi Tom dengan cara mengubah cerita yang sesungguhnya.

Belakangan diketahui bahwa ada peluru lain yang ditemukan dalam tubuh Terrence. Dengan dibantu seorang detektif muda, Tom berusaha menelusuri kasus pembunuhan itu. Penyelidikan jadi tidak mudah karena Tom juga dikejar-kejar bagian Internal Affair.

Tom yang telah lama menjadi bagian dari kotornya kehidupan polisi ini akhirnya harus menentang budaya saling melindungi dalam kepolisian yang selama ini sudah mendarah daging dan akhirnya ia mempertanyakan loyalitas orang-orang di sekitarnya.

Semula film ini akan dirilis oleh Fox Searchlight Pictures sekitar April 2008 dengan judul THE NIGHT WATCHMAN namun akhirnya judul STREET KINGS yang nampaknya lebih klop.

Walaupun film ini banyak menuai kritik pedas dari para kritikus film, toh nyatanya film ini berhasil masuk box office dan mengeruk sebesar US$ 12 juta. Sekali lagi Keanu Reeves bermain dalam film action setelah hampir 3 tahun tenggelam dalam produksi film-film drama.

R E V I E W [English]

Long project in 2005 that at least two names could nominate directors (Spike Lee and Oliver Stone) is eventually taken over by David Ayer who had become a movie writer TRAINING DAY. And Keanu Reeves, after a prime role in the LAKE HOUSE, a chance to be a main actor in the drama thriller movie of this genre.

This movie is about Tom Ludlow (Keanu Reeves), a Los Angeles police officer who had difficulty living his life after his wife left to die. Tom, who worked under the command of Captain Jack Wander (Forest Whitaker) is then filled his days with liquor.

Tom joined in the unity of Captain Jack Wander who often use dirty methods in completing their task. They all protect each other to cover up their dirty deeds.

One time Tom dirty way successfully completed a kidnapping case of two twins. After the twins were rescued, Tom visited by Terrence Washington (Terry Crews), a former partner of Tom's duties. Terrence tried to remind Tom that Tom should not use dirty methods.

Later Tom heard that Terrence is recruited by Captain James Biggs (Hugh Laurie) and are investigating the unity Tom. Feeling angry with Tom and then trying to find Terrence.

Tom managed to find Terrence who was entered into a supermarket and intends to beat Terrence. Before Tom had time to make plans, it appears two armed men entered the supermarket, too. Tom and intend to tell Terrence but too late because in the shootout that occurred, Terrence was killed. Unfortunately one of the shells fired Tom turns on Terrence from behind. Luckily, Captain Jack Wander come and protect Tom in a way to change the real story.

Later known that there are other bullets found in Terrence's body. With the assistance of a young detective, Tom tried to trace the murder case. The investigation so it is not easy because Tom is also being chased by the Internal Affair.

Tom, who has long been a part of this dirty cop's life must ultimately protect against each other in a police culture that has been ingrained and finally he questioned the loyalty of the people around him.

Originally the film will be released by Fox Searchlight Pictures around April 2008 with the title THE NIGHT Watchman but eventually STREET Kings title that seems more fit.

Although the film is a lot of scathing criticism from film critics, yet in fact this movie made it into the box office and rake in U.S. $ 12 million. Once again, Keanu Reeves played in the movie action after almost 3 years immersed in the production of drama films.
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